Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the SEA factory.

Export of Products

Export of SEA products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All SEA products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SEA: devices for manual arc, argon arc, welding, contact spot welding machines, plasma welding machines, reducers, economizers, welding accessories
  • Arc welding machines SEA
    Arc welding machines
    PROJECT 1600 and others.
  • TIG AC/DC welding machines SEA
    TIG AC/DC welding machines
    MATRIX 2200, etc.
  • Contact Welding Machines SEA
    Contact Welding Machines
    Z 18 et al.
  • Plasma devices 75 mm SEA
    Plasma devices 75 mm
    SHARK 105 et al.
  • Semi - automatic machines SEA
    Semi - automatic machines
    COMPACT 240M, etc.
  • Semi-automatic inverters SEA
    Semi-automatic inverters
    TREOSTAR 1800, etc.
  • TIG DC welding machines SEA
    TIG DC welding machines
    MATRIX 250 HF, etc.
  • Gearboxes SEA
    0209169 and others .
  • Plasma devices 35 mm SEA
    Plasma devices 35 mm
    SHARK 45, etc.
  • Plasma devices 15 mm SEA
    Plasma devices 15 mm
    SHARK 25, etc.
  • Welding Accessories SEA
    Welding Accessories
    M14" x F38, etc.


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